Today's medium practice calls for clean and jerks with the 24s. It's been a while since I practiced the C&J, and when I last did, it was one-handed and GS-style.
I warmed-up up with rope skipping, which gets my body moving and narrows my focus down from the day's events to exercising.
After hitting 200 reps, I started my Gymboss timer and did my warm-up circuit for 10 minutes. I tightened my rubber tubing a bit for my squats, and I continue to feel improvement in my knee as I continue to do them daily.
Once I finished my warm-up, I set my 24s up and completed 3 ladders of the clean and jerk with the first rung being 2 reps, the second rung being 4 reps, and the third rung being 6 reps.
In order to maximize the double kettlebell training effect of the clean and jerk, I took Pavel's advice and kept my rest periods to 30 seconds between rungs and 1 minute between ladders.
After that, cool down with some joint mobility exercises and stretching.
Heavy day on Saturday, and I'll try to fit in some variety stuff tomorrow.
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