Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Return Of The Kettlebell - Variety Day 07/21/09

The variety day is a great day to practice different exercises without the structure of a regular practice. I try to do something different and keep it easy. Concentrate on moving.

200 reps rope jumping

2 circuits of the following:

15 bw squats/16 kg halos-10R,10L/10 pumps/assisted pistols, 5R,5L/10 pushups

2 circuits of the following:

12 kg - RKC arm bar/get-up/windmill/bent press/overhead squat/sots press.

Right side then left side. 1 minute rest between circuits.

24 kg snatch

60 reps, alternating sides every 10 reps. This one proved how out of shape I am...

Joint mobility and cool down.

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