Thursday, July 30, 2009
RTK Training Log - 07/30/09 - "Medium" Day
I skipped training yesterday as I had a late meeting at work and then had to run to my son's first football practice of the year. No worries though, plenty of time to pick it up today and Saturday.
Today's medium practice calls for clean and jerks with the 24s. It's been a while since I practiced the C&J, and when I last did, it was one-handed and GS-style.
I warmed-up up with rope skipping, which gets my body moving and narrows my focus down from the day's events to exercising.
After hitting 200 reps, I started my Gymboss timer and did my warm-up circuit for 10 minutes. I tightened my rubber tubing a bit for my squats, and I continue to feel improvement in my knee as I continue to do them daily.
Once I finished my warm-up, I set my 24s up and completed 3 ladders of the clean and jerk with the first rung being 2 reps, the second rung being 4 reps, and the third rung being 6 reps.
In order to maximize the double kettlebell training effect of the clean and jerk, I took Pavel's advice and kept my rest periods to 30 seconds between rungs and 1 minute between ladders.
After that, cool down with some joint mobility exercises and stretching.
Heavy day on Saturday, and I'll try to fit in some variety stuff tomorrow.

Today's medium practice calls for clean and jerks with the 24s. It's been a while since I practiced the C&J, and when I last did, it was one-handed and GS-style.
I warmed-up up with rope skipping, which gets my body moving and narrows my focus down from the day's events to exercising.
After hitting 200 reps, I started my Gymboss timer and did my warm-up circuit for 10 minutes. I tightened my rubber tubing a bit for my squats, and I continue to feel improvement in my knee as I continue to do them daily.
Once I finished my warm-up, I set my 24s up and completed 3 ladders of the clean and jerk with the first rung being 2 reps, the second rung being 4 reps, and the third rung being 6 reps.
In order to maximize the double kettlebell training effect of the clean and jerk, I took Pavel's advice and kept my rest periods to 30 seconds between rungs and 1 minute between ladders.
After that, cool down with some joint mobility exercises and stretching.
Heavy day on Saturday, and I'll try to fit in some variety stuff tomorrow.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Just started my "explosive" 2-week block of training with Return Of The Kettlebell. Check it out at
RTK Training Log - 07/27/09 - "Light" Day
Started my first "explosive" block of RTK this week. The next two weeks will consist of Viking Push Presses on Monday (light day) with Clean and jerks on the medium and heavy days.
After 200 reps of rope jumping and my regular 10-minute-warm-up, I set up a pair of my 16 kg kettlebells and prepared for the Viking Push Press.
The RKC plan calls for starting with 3 ladders, but the reps for each rung are doubled (2,4,6).
I grabbed the bells, snatched them and did my first two reps. After resting for 30 seconds, I did my second set for 4 reps, rested for 30 seconds again, and did my last rung for 6 reps.
1 minute rest between ladders.
After completing my third ladder, I kept one of my one poods and did 2 sets of 20 reps of front raise snatches (20R/20L, rest 1 minute, 20R/20L).
After that, cool down, stretch and done.
After 200 reps of rope jumping and my regular 10-minute-warm-up, I set up a pair of my 16 kg kettlebells and prepared for the Viking Push Press.
The RKC plan calls for starting with 3 ladders, but the reps for each rung are doubled (2,4,6).
I grabbed the bells, snatched them and did my first two reps. After resting for 30 seconds, I did my second set for 4 reps, rested for 30 seconds again, and did my last rung for 6 reps.
1 minute rest between ladders.
After completing my third ladder, I kept one of my one poods and did 2 sets of 20 reps of front raise snatches (20R/20L, rest 1 minute, 20R/20L).
After that, cool down, stretch and done.
Friday, July 24, 2009
RTK Training Log - 07/24/09 - "Heavy" Day
After re-reading the RTK program design, I realized I botched the progression. So I dropped a rung and kept the ladders at four. Not that I couldn't do 4 rungs, but I want to follow the program as written.
I began with jumping rope:
Heavy rope (blue) - 100 reps
Heavy rope (green) - 50 reps
Plastic "link" rope - 50 reps
Speed rope - 50 reps
I went to the Orthopedist today. He told me that squats are the worst thing I could do for my knees (where have I heard this before?) and said I should be riding a bike for quad strengthening. While I agree that cycling is great for my knees, I think there have been more than one or two studies that prove that squats (done properly) are actually healthy for your knees.
He said I have chondromalacia in my right knee. He gave me the treatment options which start with exercise and end with arthroscopic surgery. To his credit, he recommended exercise (cycling). So I'll have to get the bike out and start riding again. But I believe the squatting I've been doing has been causing my knee pain to lessen. I've been going as deep as I can and keeping my back straight, and I don't have as much knee pain on long drives as I previously had.
Anyway, after rope work, I did 10 minutes of my warm-up circuit (4 rounds) before setting up my 2 - 20 kg bells for:
Press and Squat
4 ladders of 3 rungs with 5 squats at the end of each of the 3rd rungs. These felt really solid, and again, I felt like I could have done 4 rungs and probably 5 without killing myself.
After the 4th ladder, I took a minute break and went to the:
Sumo Deadlift
2 sets of 20 reps. Smooth and strong.
Finish with joint mobility and light stretching.
That's it for the first "Grind" block. Monday I'll start my first ballistic or "Explosive" block.
Here I'll be doing the Viking Push Press and front or side raise snatch on Monday, with clean & jerks on Wednesday (medium) and Friday (heavy).
For Monday, I'll be starting with 3 x (2,4,6) ladders.
The front and side raise snatches are to be done for 2-3 sets of 10-20 per arm.
I'll have more on Monday.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Return Of The Kettlebell - 07/22/09 - Medium Day
Came home today and was pretty wiped-out from work. Then I took a little cat nap for about 20 minutes, got up and was ready to go. And that caffeine tab didn't hurt either...
Jump rope for 200 reps.
10 minute warmup, 4 times through the circuit.
Press & Squat
20 kg (R) and 16 kg (L).
4 ladders, 3 rungs, 5 squats at the end of every third rung.
I found that I'm taking about 30 seconds between rungs, and I'm taking a minute between ladders. You might have noticed I'm not using DD bells. I had the AKC ones first and can't afford to switch everything back to the traditional style bells.
Sumo Deadlift
2 x 20, switching sides for the bells after the first 20.
1 minute rest between sets.
Joint mobility and a glass of wine with dinner.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Return Of The Kettlebell - Variety Day 07/21/09
The variety day is a great day to practice different exercises without the structure of a regular practice. I try to do something different and keep it easy. Concentrate on moving.
200 reps rope jumping
2 circuits of the following:
15 bw squats/16 kg halos-10R,10L/10 pumps/assisted pistols, 5R,5L/10 pushups
2 circuits of the following:
12 kg - RKC arm bar/get-up/windmill/bent press/overhead squat/sots press.
Right side then left side. 1 minute rest between circuits.
24 kg snatch
60 reps, alternating sides every 10 reps. This one proved how out of shape I am...
Joint mobility and cool down.
200 reps rope jumping
2 circuits of the following:
15 bw squats/16 kg halos-10R,10L/10 pumps/assisted pistols, 5R,5L/10 pushups
2 circuits of the following:
12 kg - RKC arm bar/get-up/windmill/bent press/overhead squat/sots press.
Right side then left side. 1 minute rest between circuits.
24 kg snatch
60 reps, alternating sides every 10 reps. This one proved how out of shape I am...
Joint mobility and cool down.
Return Of The Kettlebell - HKC Prep Workouts
I've had to cut back on my computer time at night (when I do my posts), so I'm posting only two or three times a week. I realized I hadn't posted since last week, so it's time to catch up. As you might have guessed, I'm using Pavel's Return Of The Kettlebell to help me prepare for the upcoming HKC certification.
RTK Training Log 07/16/09 - Variety Day
Rope jumping - 100 reps
20 bodyweight squats
10 pumps
5 assisted pistols (R)
5 assisted pistols (L)
Variety circuit (arm bar/tgu/windmill/bent press/overhead squat/sots press) 1 time each side.
Swing w/24 kg - 25 R / 25 L
Do it again.
Cool down.
RTK Training Log 07/17/09 - "Heavy" Day
(I moved the heavy day to Friday as Saturday was going to be too busy.)
100 reps rope jumping (high 90s today, hotter than you-know-what)
10 minute warm-up.
20 kg and 20 kg
3 ladders, 3 rungs each
5 squats at the end of each 3rd rung
Sumo Deadlift
2 x 20 kg
20 reps, 2 sets
Joint mobility and cool down.
RTK Training Log-07/20/09 - "Light" Day
Adding a rung today as three was pretty easy.
Started off with 200 reps rope jumping - fast - no misses...
10 minute warm-up.
I've been using looped rubber tubing around my knees when I squat, as I've got PFPS (Patellofemoral pain syndrome) in my right knee. Squatting with the band around my knees seems to help. I've been squatting this way for the last couple weeks, and as I haven't worked my quads seriously in years, I probably have a quadricep/hamstring strength imbalance which is throwing the tracking of my patella off.
I have an appointment with an Orthopedist on the 24th and hopefully I'll find out more then.
I think I may have figured out my elbow pain as well. I found that I was letting my right wrist get lazy in the press. When I made a point of locking my wrist into the correct position in the press, the pain went away.
Whudyya know...
Press & Squat
12 kg (L), 20 kg (R)
4 ladders, 3 rungs, 5 squats at the end of every 3rd rung.
Sumo Deadlift
12 kg (L) / 20 kg (R) - 20 reps
20 kg (L) / 12 kg (R) - 20 reps
Joint mobility/stretching
Cool down
RTK Training Log 07/16/09 - Variety Day
Rope jumping - 100 reps
20 bodyweight squats
10 pumps
5 assisted pistols (R)
5 assisted pistols (L)
Variety circuit (arm bar/tgu/windmill/bent press/overhead squat/sots press) 1 time each side.
Swing w/24 kg - 25 R / 25 L
Do it again.
Cool down.
RTK Training Log 07/17/09 - "Heavy" Day
(I moved the heavy day to Friday as Saturday was going to be too busy.)
100 reps rope jumping (high 90s today, hotter than you-know-what)
10 minute warm-up.
20 kg and 20 kg
3 ladders, 3 rungs each
5 squats at the end of each 3rd rung
Sumo Deadlift
2 x 20 kg
20 reps, 2 sets
Joint mobility and cool down.
RTK Training Log-07/20/09 - "Light" Day
Adding a rung today as three was pretty easy.
Started off with 200 reps rope jumping - fast - no misses...
10 minute warm-up.
I've been using looped rubber tubing around my knees when I squat, as I've got PFPS (Patellofemoral pain syndrome) in my right knee. Squatting with the band around my knees seems to help. I've been squatting this way for the last couple weeks, and as I haven't worked my quads seriously in years, I probably have a quadricep/hamstring strength imbalance which is throwing the tracking of my patella off.
I have an appointment with an Orthopedist on the 24th and hopefully I'll find out more then.
I think I may have figured out my elbow pain as well. I found that I was letting my right wrist get lazy in the press. When I made a point of locking my wrist into the correct position in the press, the pain went away.
Whudyya know...
Press & Squat
12 kg (L), 20 kg (R)
4 ladders, 3 rungs, 5 squats at the end of every 3rd rung.
Sumo Deadlift
12 kg (L) / 20 kg (R) - 20 reps
20 kg (L) / 12 kg (R) - 20 reps
Joint mobility/stretching
Cool down
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